In investing, risk is typically defined as the possibility that actual returns will differ—sometimes significantly—from what you expected, including the potential loss of principal. Although there are many ways to measure risk (e.g., volatility, downside risk, permanent loss of capital,… Read More
Challenges of Long-Term Investing
Time is often cited as the most important factor in investment success. On average, assets tend to rise in price over time. So “just hang in there”, goes the conventional advice. “You’ll make money over time. Remember, investing isn’t about… Read More
Higher Interest Rates: The Good, The Bad, & The Ugly
Perhaps the most important economic and market driver over the last few years has been the Federal Reserve’s (“Fed”) aggressive inflation battle marked by a sharp rise in interest rates. Since 2021 the Fed has raised rates 11 times totaling… Read More
The Hardest Time to Invest
The hardest time to invest is always now. This statement might seem to be an exaggeration. Surely, there have been times in financial history when investing was more challenging? The dot-com crash, the financial crisis of 2008, and the market… Read More
Building a Resilient Retirement Portfolio
Portfolio Resilience2022 marked a negative year for markets, as inflation, rising interest rates, and geopolitical strife weighed on stocks, bonds, housing, and just about every global asset market. A few of the questions looming in investors’ minds for 2023 include:… Read More
When Lower Stock Prices & Higher Rates are Good
Stocks Are Getting Cheaper In his 1997 letter to Berkshire Hathaway shareholders, Warren Buffet explained why declining stocks are good news for long-term investors: If you plan to eat hamburgers throughout your life and are not a cattle producer, should… Read More
Staying Invested with the K.I.S.S. Strategy
The Big Picture – Staying Invested We are strong adherents of the KISS (“keep it simple stupid”) philosophy when it comes to investing. Focus on a few things that matter: prudent asset allocation, quality of earnings and dividend growth, competitive… Read More
The Nobel Prize Winner vs. The Secretary
In 1994 a legendary wall street bond trader launched a new hedge fund with $1 billion in assets, recruiting several top traders, two future Nobel prize winners and several PhD’s from MIT. In its first three years the fund posted… Read More
The Roaring 20s
The Covid19 induced recession of 2020 led to the strongest fiscal and monetary policy response in history. The stimulus was global in nature, and has likely set the world up for a significant boost to growth in the years to… Read More
The Financial Impact of Low Interest Rates
Perhaps no picture better represents the financial impact of Covid than that of the 10-year Treasury yield. While rates have remained below 3% for most of the last decade, the post Covid drop below 1% for the first time ever… Read More